Click through the last 80 years of Swisslos.

Founding of the Interkantonale Landeslotterie, subsequently Swisslos
Founding of the Sport-Toto Association

The instant ticket business has generated more than 100 million francs for charitable causes thus far

Launch of the Swiss lottery

The first lottery millionaire is named

Launch of the "Supertreffer" show on Swiss Television DRS and the instant ticket of the same name

Launch of the "Benissimo" show on Swiss Television DRS with the "Benissimo" instant ticket

The "Millionenlos" is sold for the first time

Swiss Lotto goes online at the turn of the century

Launch of the new Sporttip sports bet

Merger of the Berner Lotteriegenossenschaft SEVA, the Interkantonale Landeslotterie and the Sport-Toto Association to form Swisslos

Swisslos joins the "EuroMillions" European lottery

The "Interkantonale Vereinbarung zum Lotteriewesen" (Intercantonal Agreement on Lotteries) enters into force

Swisslos celebrates its 500th Swiss Lotto millionaire

The federal government's decision to regulate gambling in favour of charitable causes is accepted by the Swiss people (87%)

It is now possible to win one million francs with the "Happy Day" instant ticket during the "Happy Day" show on SRF 1

Since September 2013, it has been possible to bet on horse races in selected catering establishments.

On 23 August 2015, Swisslos launches the jass.ch platform, making it now possible to play this traditional game for money.

On 10 June 2018, the Swiss population voted in favour of the new Federal Act on Gambling, with 72.9 percent voting “yes”.

New: bet right up to the final whistle.

The new logistics centre in Rheinfelden commenced operations on 19 October of this year

The new «Fortuna» pick-up ticket will replace the familiar «Happy Day» ticket from April 2022